The Catalyst Stories
Edge’s Story
The First Night
On the 20th of April, the year of 3998, a terrible event began in the city of Convexity. Who were once thought to be the protectors of the Human Race, the advanced species known as The Catalysts, announced that a challenge would take place. What proceeded was the beginning of an endless nightmare. A barrier was spread across the skies of the city, enclosing around the border limits. Convexity was sealed within what was called a Catalyst Barrier. No one was allowed to enter or leave the city. No one could either, for touching the matter that created this barrier, would result in an instant death. Flesh, muscle, and bone would become ash, and the human that once stood tall would be resorted to a pile of dust on the ground. The Human Race had no choice, close to ten million people were now a part of the event known as the Catalyst Challenge. Another task was set in place while the city became a prison. Twenty-five Catalyst-made machines had been created to keep the humans trapped. They were hidden in devices known as Dimension Portals. It was now the Human Race’s job, to locate and enter these portals, which would bring them face to face with the next in the line of Catalyst technology. The machines were ruthless, their variety in combat exceeding dreams itself. But twenty-five had to fall before the humans could leave the city. Once they did this, the barrier would fall, and once again, its citizens could roam the world of Aragor, free again. The Catalyst Challenge lasted for four hundred and seven days. Trapped for over a year, there was a mass of events that took place, that shaped the world as it is today. But this isn’t just my story. My story is one of many. These stories are our stories. The stories that shaped all of us into who we are today. So please, listen to our stories. Our stories, of the Catalyst Challenge.
* * *
‘Day 1’ Edge’s Story Upon leaving Cinos Beckett in the dark alleyway behind, upon deciding to create his own path for the future, Edge Marvik ran out into what could only be described as the now frantic streets of Convexity. Leaving that dark corridor behind, leaving perhaps the only ally he could have had in this now Challenge, Edge had entered the true world of panic, loss, and pain. The Catalysts had betrayed the Human Race. High Lord Catalyst Hinoros himself had announced the Catalyst Challenge, creating a barrier than now stood over the city, marking prisoners in its cell. There were so many questions in Edge’s mind. Why had the Catalysts done this? What was the motive? Where had Hinoros vanished off to? Were the Catalysts still in the city? Then thoughts of Edge’s own life came into his head. How was he going to survive the panic? Was his own family okay? His sister? His foster father? Were they safe and sound? Lunar, Edge’s younger sister, had left for a teacher’s assistant training course just before he got out of bed this morning. Was she outside the city? Did that mean she was safe? Or was she still stuck in here, unable to leave? Sparda, Edge’s foster father, was a wealthy businessman who always had something to do or somewhere to go. What if he too was outside the city? Edge didn’t know what made him think it, but he was certain both Lunar and Sparda were outside. Which meant, for now, the person he had to look out for, was himself. He’d already come up with a plan. He needed to leave the Catalyst District, no doubt this was the epicentre of panic and madness right now. While the other eight Districts in Convexity no doubt could be just as frantic and mad, Edge knew his best option right now, was the find a way out, and make his way to the Rich District. The security in place there would be able to ease down the panic, if Edge went home to Northern District, there were no doubt people there already who were trying to raid and scavenge for supplies. Put anyone in a situation like this, and they would selfishly fight for themselves as opposed to working together. Edge’s mind was warped out of its planning state as he heard glass shatter. As he was bought back to reality, the screams of fear filled his ears. Men, women, even children, were running through the streets, screaming in shock, for help, out of sheer fright. But he couldn’t focus on any of them. He was already noticing the stages of panic. Humans smashing windows of the more wealthy building establishments. People brawling on the streets trying to do whatever they could to be the Alpha-Human. Already too, Edge could see bodies, some laying on the pavement, some in the middle of the road. Some seemed to just be laying there, hoping this was all a bad dream, but others, those whose contents of the body were spilling out onto the concrete pavements, had already lost this sick game. The sight of the bodies made Edge want to vomit, and he desperately needed to make a move in escaping this District. As he took his first step, he heard the sound of a large horn and pulled himself back just in time as a high-speed vehicle zoomed past him. As Edge’s head wrapped around to follow its trajectory, he cried out in shock as he saw the auto-mobile collide with multiple human bodies. Once again, he felt his own self rise up into his chest. A disgusting swallow and a bitter taste caused Edge to get his head back into the situation. Leaving the District was going to be tougher than he thought. Edge backed up into the alleyway, looking behind him as he did. Was leaving Cinos really the best choice? Cinos had gladly been accepting of Edge’s company, and he had just banished that thought of protection. As he leaned back on the brick wall, Edge felt metal dig into his back. The training sword he had picked up for Lunar earlier in the day, was still strapped to his back. At that moment, Edge realised he was in a better position than most. He had protection right here, a weapon, a sword on his back. If he needed to use it, no one would mess with him in this situation. His mind was slightly more clear, so with one more deep breath, Edge closed his eyes, and then as he opened them, he darted out into the streets of rage.
* * *
How many streets had he crossed? How many lanes had he sprinted down trying to avoid any and all contact with whoever or whatever came into his path? Edge had lost count, and he already knew he was lost amongst the towering glass shards that were the advanced buildings of Catalyst District. The barrier above, a deep bright blue, radiated and reflected off of the tall glass pillars. It was almost peaceful if it wasn’t for the screams surrounding it. New noises joined Edge’s ears as he continued to press through the city. He heard bursts of flames igniting from broken down cars, the sounds of explosions as people seemed to have already created makeshift devices to cause havoc, to gain attention, for fun. There was also laughter, those who had already lost their mind to the Challenge, had already lost the game. Edge tried not to think about it, he continued to make his way through the crowds of those lost in what to do next. The crowds were growing thicker, and it was becoming increasingly hard to barge through and make his way out towards the Rich District. A broad shoulder caught Edge at the wrong time, and he felt himself topple to the ground. With a crash, Edge landed on his right arm, a searing pain travelling up through the wrist, through the elbow, to the shoulder. He growled out in frustration, but there was no time to take in the effect the fall had had on him. Edge was in the midst of many people scrambling around, and falling down was the worst possible place he could find himself in. As he tried to get back up, he felt an even worse surge of pain in his left hand. Someone, without realising or caring for Edge’s fall, had trodden on his hand. Edge gasped as he threw himself up, only to be met with the knee of another person. It collided with his head, sending him flying back down, his back now being squashed against the training blade strapped to his back. While the pain was nowhere near as bad as it could have been had the blade been exposed, it hadn’t been laying flat-side. Edge felt the sheath dig in-between his shoulder blade and spine, and once again he cried out in pain. His arm, his hand, his head, and his back, all felt like they had their own separate heartbeats as he desperately tried to scramble up to his feet. Even as he slowly managed to get up, the occasional panicked human’s body hit him somewhere, and for a moment Edge felt like he had just been in a brawl, one that he had lost. He wasn’t the fittest person in the world, in fact, he was quite slim for his age, and that didn’t aid his pain. Through hissing teeth, Edge managed to stand back up, just in time to see someone pelting straight towards him. With no intention of falling to the ground in pain again, Edge quickly darted to his left, taking his hands and placing them on the passer-by. Without second care, Edge pulled and pushed the civilian as they travelled past. Whether or not they were now in the same situation as him as before, he didn’t care. Edge staggered as he tried to breathe through his pain, and the only thing driving him forward now was his intention to get out of this District.
* * *
* * *
As Edge finally reached the outer wall of the Catalyst District, he knew his next step was the move alongside until he found the exit that led to Rich District. He had no idea if the District tolls were still running, but it seemed the entire system right now was all but dead. All Edge could do now was follow the roads until he found his way out. But it was just as much chaos out here as it was inside. People still running, fighting, screaming, some of them dying. Edge saw objects being thrown through the air, people throwing things into the sky as if trying to reach the barrier that stood hundreds of feet above. “Why would they do this!” “Catalyst scum!” “We’re all going to die!” The most common sentences being cried around him. A large brown brick landed close to Edge’s side, and he took it as a sign to move on quickly. He raised his hands over his head, and though his right arm was in pain, he knew it was his best chance if an object hit him from above. Continuing to run forward, Edge had to hop over the occasional person who fell to the ground, some tripping on their own feet, some who had been hit by the objects of fear above, and those who were just laying there because they knew not what else to do. Edge found himself clung to the outer wall of Catalyst District, just trying to follow it until he found a way out. “Clear the roads, you idiots! Clear the road! Oh my-everyone clear the damn road!” Edge heard a voice cry out, and once again he bore witness to multiple humans being hit by a steaming auto-mobile. Humans being cast aside, crying out in pain as they rolled off of the bonnet and hit the road again. The car wouldn’t stop, it had no regard for the lives around it. Edge’s head darted in front of him, seeing the passage of destruction that would follow. There was a young woman, he didn’t get time to make out her features, but she was close to being flattened like many others. Edge had seen too much death already, and he couldn’t take anymore. He tried to scoop up as many people as he could as he ran into the road until he barged into the woman ahead. “Look out!” he cried. Both of them fell to the floor, as did a few others. The auto-mobile sped past them, and as Edge quickly got up, he saw it swerve out of control, before crashing into one of the countless buildings of the cityscape. There were more screams as Edge darted forward, he didn’t even stop to check the person he had tried to save. All he heard as he ran off was a harsh voice. “Hey! Watch where you’re going you stupid creep!”
* * *
Edge had no idea how much time has passed since he had started his journey, all he could see as he exited Catalyst District, was that the sun was setting. He had made his way to the District Toll Station, and that was all but abandoned. Like many others, Edge had hopped the booth and was now sprinting his way out further into Convexity’s In-Between Point. There was always a strength of land that cut the centre of Convexity off from the human-made portions of the city. They had not been able to build right next to the Catalyst’s towering empire, so instead, they had to find land that suited the building proportions. In the case of Rich District, the In-Between Point for that journey was a vast maze of canyons, which usually weren’t navigated by vehicle. Usually one would have to travel to another District and then cross over into Rich from there. But now wasn’t the time for that. Edge had already wasted so much time, so without thinking too much, Edge had been one of the few who had darted into those canyons...
* * *
The sun had almost set, and Edge could slowly see the light leaving the world. But around him, he noticed a light blue hue, which was being cast from the barrier above. Edge panted as he continued into the canyons, his boots treading through sand and rock. Whether or not he was closer to Rich District, he didn’t know, but Edge took a moment to take a breath, to take a break. He had seemingly escaped the worst of this day. He slowed to a walk, moving through the towering rock formations above, looking around at their wonder. He’d never been out here before, this was all new. It was quite shocking to be alone right now too, away from the screams and the cries of those who were scared. It gave Edge time to think, to plan what his next move was. The only reason he was going to Rich District was because that was where his foster father lived. Out of his sister and foster father, Edge had his bet on Sparda being the most likely to still be in the city. If anyone would know what to do next, it would be Sparda. Edge was certain of that, and it was the only hope he had right now as he continued to try and navigate the canyons around him. Little did Edge know, that as he contained his thoughts and finally let them free...he was being the predators of the night.
* * *
Even walking was becoming tiring. Edge decided that in the small canyon clearing, to rest for just a moment. A rock in the very centre, almost perfectly crafted as a seat, allowed him a moment. He rested his hands on his knees as he breathed out. “What a mess...” Edge gasped as he rubbed his eyes. He had to keep moving, but right now, he felt like there was just a small bit of peace in this dark time. The sun was all but set, as darkness covered the skies, and the stars slowly began to blink to life above. Edge looked up, at the night sky, which clouded the barrier. Even his sight didn’t have true freedom now, the barrier locked everything outside away, even the damn sky. “Why? Why did you do it?” Edge said to no one. The Catalysts couldn’t hear him, but he couldn’t help but ask. Why did High Lord Catalyst Hinoros betray the human race like that? The sound of sand crunching caught Edge’s attention suddenly. He looked out into the canyons ahead, and while darkness covered his path ahead, through them he could see something, just a small something. The piercing glow of bright yellow eyes... Their fur was a mixture of grey and white, their teeth razor-sharp, drool falling from their mouths in eager hunger. A pack of wolves, no doubt ones that had been stalking Edge for some time, slowly emerged from the darkness of the canyon. An intake of breath was all Edge could take as he noticed them slowly surrounding him, giving him no exit. How many were there? He’d have no time to count. More than three of them eager to take his life, and then battle over his corpse for dinner. In this instant, Edge knew that this time, he was probably finished. He’d made the stupid mistake of coming out here all alone, trying to get to his old home. He should have gone to another District and taken the long way. How could he have been so stupid? “Why...” Edge growled through his teeth. Even though death was surrounding him, he just felt pure anger. Anger at the Catalysts, anger at these wolves, anger at his entire life. Without warning, Edge stood up, the wolf heads following him as he did. He reached behind him, taking Lunar’s training sword, and drawing it from its sheath. He held the blade up high, and although he wasn’t an expert at swordsmanship, he drew a simple guard stance. “I’m not dying a coward!” he barked at the wolves. They needed no signal, but they took it. The leader of the pack pounced without wait, leaping in the air, extending its jaw towards Edge. Gripping his sword with both hands, Edge ducked down and attempted to strike the wolf’s body. Despite his slim stature, the blade cut into the leader’s body, and it fell to the ground, its barks and roars of hunger replaced by whines of pain. It slowly raised itself up as it landed between its allies, struggling, but still alive. As Edge roared in anger at the leader, three more wolves closed in around him. If this was death, he would fight it till it took him tonight. Another wolf pounced, this one too close to move around. It pinned Edge to the ground, and through muffled growls of trying to battle with it, Edge saw the jaw snap twice in his face. The other two wolves closed in, eager to feast. Edge was trying to use his blade as best he could to pry the wolf pinning him, off of him, but he suddenly yelled in pain. One of the wolves had wrapped its jaw around his ankle, and Edge felt the teeth dig in. While he managed to hold back the main wolf with his hand, he swung wildly at the other, even if it meant cutting off his own foot, all he wanted was for the beast to let go. He heard a large whine and felt his blade stick into something. Now was the time to act, Edge shifted his body weight across, his ankle no longer in the jaws of a wolf, and he managed to pry the other off finally. Edge barely got the time to notice his hand managed to stick his blade into the skull of the wolf that had bitten him, killing it stone dead. He got up quickly, and while the pain of the bite stung like hell itself, Edge roared in fury as he raised his blade, and thrust it down into the wolf that had pinned him down. The third backed away as it witnessed another one of its kin meet its end. Edge revealed his blade and pointed it at the wolf that now looked up at him, its ears drooping down. “You want to die tonight too!? Come on then!” Edge barked. He had let his guard down because he finished his sentence, the leader of the pack had rejoined the fight. Edge felt its paws latch onto his back, forcing him down onto his front. He managed to keep a hold on his blade, with loosened only slightly once the leader of the pack opened its jaw and sunk its teeth into Edge’s right shoulder. Edge roared in pain now as he desperately tried to unhinge himself from the leader of the wolf pack. He tried to stand, but the weight was too much. He collapsed back on the ground. As the wolf sunk in deeper, a sudden wave came over Edge. He had never felt anger like this before. His vision which had started to blur from the pain became a radiant red heat. It was almost as if his body had been overcome with a mind of its own, and Edge felt himself rising. His right arm reached up towards the wolf pack leader, grabbing at its head. Clutching a handful of its skin, Edge pulled with as much force as he could. To his own surprise, a sudden surge of strength caused him to throw the wolf from his shoulder, its jaw loosening. Once again, the leader of the wolves collapsed to the ground, its only partner looking down and then back at Edge. As soon as it saw Edge now, it backed away even further. The leader rose up to retaliate, but now it took saw Edge and began to back away. Edge stood before them, but this was not the same man they had been tracking earlier. The last thing they heard before retreating was an ear-piercing roar that echoed across the canyons.
* * *
Edge lay alone in the canyons. His breathing was a rasp, and he could feel something leaving him. The pain of the wolves bites had subsided, in fact, he couldn’t feel what they had done at all. His body felt why did it feel like his life was about to slip away? Was this it? Was this what death was? All the pain you had experienced in life, vanishing? Edge had always wondered if death meant you’d see those who you’d lost in life. He half-expected his parents to turn up suddenly, the ones he never knew but knew he had lost when he was three years old. He could feel his eyes closing. He tried to keep them open. The last sight he was going to see, was that of the barrier. Yet he didn’t feel like this was a loss. He had fought those wolves and defeated them. As he felt his eyes close, Edge managed to mutter out a few last words, that he was certain would be his last...but...he was okay with that. “ least I tried...” Everything went dark.
Next Time:
Edge’s Story
The Unavenged Sheath

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